A Student’s Diary following Feldenkrais ATM &
Movement Intelligence Classes taught by Denise Deig
Wendy Meredith, a retired Pharmacist, shared the diary she kept throughout her time in Feldenkrais ATM and Movement Intelligence classes. She notes the skills she learns and the changes and benefits she experiences in the classes.
April 9thYou asked us to pay attention, in class, to any changes we might notice. I got a wonderful surprise coming up the 6 steps from our garage. I expected a little pain in my right knee, and there was none. My right leg muscles lifted me with an improved authority. I was amazed not to favor the knee.
Another great thing--when I did my exercises this morning for my left ankle, the quality of movement was beyond anything I can remember in the last 5 years. The rotation range was excellent. There was no crunching. The joint felt oiled, and the movement was top quality. I hope I can keep these improvements. They mean so much to me. I cannot wait to get back into your class next week. - Wendy Meredith
May 8thMy Feldenkrais benefits are always more apparent to me well after class when the fresh, neuronal challenges have taken me to a new normal. The next day, when all the extra "noise" settles down, I can reflect on the progress. I have lived for some time with misaligned hips. There has been lots of pressure and tightness with minimum hip pain. I protect the lower back area religiously.
In our Feldenkrais class Wednesday night, after we had done much of the work, I felt I should push down vertically on my right hip bone. I thought I felt something slip into place on the left. It was a subtle shift, hardly noticeable. I was not even sure if anything had really happened. The following morning, lying on my back on the hard, living room floor, I realized the lower back contact point was dead center on the lower spine. I have lived a princess and pea life with a little lump always on the left when I lie supine. I have never felt centered before. My PT/Trainer, has worked on my lumbar and SI Joint areas. He will get me straightened out, and I will go right back into misalignment in a week. After your class, I asked him to evaluate my alignment. He assessed my movement first and was very pleased with the flexibility. Then, he put me on the table and evaluated everything else. I was straight, and he was thrilled! He wanted to hear all about the rib work. He was ecstatic for me and found everything wonderfully in line. It is the best he has ever seen my hips. He asked me to do some balancing and noted that my core strength and balance is improved. He was incredulous with his assessment of me. The major pivot point in my progress has been the addition of Feldenkrais. It is great to find something so wonderfully interesting and healing in these later years. - Wendy Meredith
May 23rdWe just had a New York house guest, a concert pianist, who came to perform. He and I were in conservatory together when we were kids. He was a fantastic, child prodigy and has a great career. He has a new coach who uses some Feldenkrais with his hands. He was telling us that after all these years of performing and knowing that his hand strength/agility/balance/sensitivity were declining......he is now renewed. He had been balancing off the middle finger, and now this balance has been shifted to the little finger. The new pattern has rejuvenated something throughout his system and the entire gist is that everything is improved.
- Wendy Meredith